Associate Professor Lachlan Miles
Perioperative Clinical Lead
Associate Professor Lachlan Miles is a Staff Specialist and Head of Research in the Department of Anaesthesia at Austin Health, an Honorary Principal Fellow of the Department of Critical Care at the University of Melbourne and an Honorary Principal Research Fellow and Perioperative Clinical Lead in the Preclinical Critical Care Unit of The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. His subspecialty clinical practice involves cardiothoracic and major hepatobiliary anaesthesia (including liver transplant) and peri-operative medicine.
​Lachlan balances his clinical interests with a substantial research portfolio, and his work spans both clinical and translational research in collaboration with his colleagues at The Florey locally, and with multiple international academic and industry groups. He is an experienced clinical triallist, and his major research interests concern peri-operative inflammation (including neuroinflammation), anaemia and iron status, right ventricular dysfunction and Patient Blood Management. He has published > 70 original manuscripts in high-impact anaesthesia and general medicine journals in the last 10 years, and was the principal chief investigator of the NATO study, which is endorsed by the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network. He has received multiple career academic awards from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, the journal Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and the University of Melbourne. He sits on state and national medical advisory committees for the Victorian Department of Health and Australian Red Cross LifeBlood. He is an Editor and member of the Editorial Board of the journal Anaesthesia.